Are you passionate about showcasing your art, writing, audio production, VRChat modding, animation skills, or other creative talents on SloshDog? We're actively seeking skilled individuals to collaborate with us in producing exceptional content tailored for the vore community.

At SloshDog, we handle the entire process and cover all costs, including:

  • Sourcing high-quality materials
  • Creating prototypes for your designs
  • Commissioning Cover art for your stories
  • Creating animaited promotions to help bring more attention to your creations
  • Providing voice actors to bring your work to life
  • Managing the logistics of shipping, publishing and more.

We believe in fair compensation for your creativity! Artists, writers, audio producers, and other creatives will earn a percentage from each sale of their work, along with an upfront payment to cover their time and design costs.

But wait, there's more! We're also exploring exciting future merchandise possibilities, such as plushies, enamel pins, body pillows, physical books, comics, and more. Rest assured, you won't need to worry about any financial investment on your part. Your contribution is your time and creativity to craft fun and exciting works!

Furthermore, we're committed to working closely with you every step of the way. We'll be as transparent as possible, ensuring you're informed and involved in the process. If at any point you're unhappy with something – whether it's how a design sample turned out or anything else – please don't hesitate to let us know. We're here to work through it with you and ensure your vision shines.

With us, you can confidently entrust your creations, and ideas to a team committed to bringing your vision to life. Submit your portfolio to Jobs@Slosh.Dog for a chance to see your creations showcased on our store!